At Greenforce, we find the right employees for your project, in all Denmark.
Greenforce will find the right employees for your project, no matter where in the country you are. As a temporary employment agency, we deal with all practical and administrative issues related to the employment of foreign workers, thanks to which you save time and resources and you can focus on what is most important.
This means that as an employer you do not have to worry about legal or labor law issues when you need manpower – we will take care of that.
We focus on the construction industry and we can offer, among others:
We are covered by a collective agreement through Dansk Industri – the employers’ organization of the Danish industrial sector and we adhere to the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the Construction and Assembly Sector 2020, which is your guarantee of a qualified workforce and regulated conditions.
By employing a flexible workforce, you have the option of adjusting the crew on an ongoing basis, thanks to which you are always protected in terms of your current needs.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 29677334.
We are ready to help!